Holy Cross Church

The earliest records concerning this church date back to 1388, when in the churchyard of the building, then named after St. Peter, an assembly of the representatives of the curatoria of Dore was held, called to ratify the peace treaty between Eleanor of Arborea and the Aragonese. In the 19th century, with the old church of St. Andrew now ruined, it was Santa Croce that served as parish for several periods. Of interest is the quadrangular presbyterial compartment vaulted with ribbed cross vaults and a pendulous gemstone bearing the monogram of Christ. There are several statues of saints dated between the late 17th and 18th centuries including the Deposed Christ and the Virgin of Sorrows used for the rite of S’Iscravamentu.

In front of the church is the square, which is very dear to the people of Oran as the main festivals and events were held there. Also located are the birthplace of Marianna Bussalay (anti-fascist intellectual) and the birthplace of Piero Borrotzu (gold medal for military valor).

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