Geo Speleo Archeological Site Sa Marchesa with the cave of Acquacadda

The site features a natural cave with archaeological evidence from the Copper Age (2500 B.C.) illuminated by mobile maxi illuminators with LED headlights of different power so that the main rooms and speleothems, archaeological excavations, and indoor and outdoor exhibition spaces can be made visible.
In 2017, an inspection was carried out by Prof. Riccardo Cicilloni, professor of Prehistory and Protohistory at the University of Cagliari, to visit the site of the former Sa Marchesa mine and the Acquacadda/Su Montixeddu cave. Subsequently on September 2, 2019, the first excavation campaign directed by the same professor in collaboration with Prof. Elisabetta Marini of the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, began.

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