Carmel Church

In 1606 the Carmelites, who arrived in Bosa in the second half of the 16th century, obtained from Bishop Manca the transfer from the church of S. Antonio to that of S. Maria del Soccorso, which in turn in the second half of the 18th century was demolished, because it was in need of major restoration, to build a new larger one and dedicate it to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The building was completed in 1779, as attested by a slab walled above the portal of the elevation, but was not consecrated until 1810. The interior of the church appears simple, but a beautiful Rococo altar of polychrome marble dominates in the chancel and the wooden pulpit decorated in pure gold on the side. Of great historical and cultural value is the organ placed above the tribune, now the only one of its kind left in Sardinia.

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