Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Immaculate

The church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception is the cathedral of Bosa, co-cathedral of the diocese of Alghero-Bosa. Its origins date back to the 12th century, but the building underwent several remodels over time, particularly in the 15th century. The present building, the result of restorations carried out beginning in 1803 by Bosan architect Salvatore Are and Sassarese master builder Ramelli, was consecrated in 1809. The decorative apparatus was completed during the 19th century. The temple’s exterior features two domes, covered with colored majolica tiles, and the squat red trachyte bell tower, incomplete and bearing the date 1683 carved on it. The same rock also characterizes other parts of the building, including the Rococo decorations on the facade and the Classical-style pilasters and cornices. The interior has a single nave, barrel-vaulted and divided into bays by pilasters and transverse arches, with four chapels on each side. The first on the right is the Sacred Heart chapel, very developed in length and organized as a small church in its own right, perpendicular to the cathedral. The access arch to the chancel is narrower than the nave and supported by two pilasters. The very deep presbytery area, covered by an octagonal dome (designed in the early 19th century by architect Domenico Franco) and concluded by a semicircular apse, is raised and separated from the nave by a marble balustrade. The chancel is accessed by a central flight of steps with two marble lions at the base and two side steps. Also made of marble is the 17th-century high altar, crowned by statues of the Immaculate Conception and Saints Emilius and Priam, patron saints of Bosa. Behind the altar are the carved stalls of the valuable wooden choir. Over the main entrance against the chancel, the tall tribune dominates, occupying the entire width of the large nave (about 11.50 meters), where the organ contained in a grandiose case towers. The paintings decorating the walls of the cathedral were made by Parma artist Emilio Scherer between 1877 and 1878.

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