Necropolis archaeological area San Giovanni – Fossada

The domus de janas of Fossada fit into the cultural context of the full Neolithic age of Sardinia and represent one of its typical manifestations. The aggregation of seven graves is believed to be, by Hercules Contu, the minimum number for one to speak of a necropolis. The domus de janas are man-made caves dug into the rock that were widespread in Sardinia during the Neolithic period from the 4th millennium B.C. until they concluded their very long evolution in the Early Bronze Age (early 2nd millennium B.C.). There are a total of seven domus de janas at Fossada and they form a homogeneous complex, with entrances facing southwest toward the Fossada valley. Only a few fragments of obsidian and flint tools have been found on the plateau, and it is likely that near the abundant spring was the hut village whose dead were buried in the caves.

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