Civic Archaeological Museum

The collection consists mainly of stone material: betili, millstones, milestones, tombstones and some figured stelae, mostly from fortuitous recoveries and surface collections. The tour is articulated as a “virtual journey” back in time.

We start from the historic center of Bonorva and, through the medieval settlements of the costavalle and the rock church of S. Andrea Priu, move on to the Roman period, whose milestones exemplify the strategic importance of the territory and the road system. The millstones in the center of the Roman hall testify to the economy and daily life, while funerary cults are referred to by the cycles and stelae arranged along the right wall.

Of particular architectural appeal is the Nuragic Hall. The main elements of funerary and sacred architecture are illustrated there. The route with the Neolithic age. Panels related to the domus illustrate burial rituals, architectural features he decorative elements carved within the Neo-Eneolithic hypogea.

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