II Laboratory of Underwater Archaeology-Preservation and Restoration of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage for the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano has been present inside the Port of Cagliari for a number of years; it is located in the Sabaudo Pier in a large pavilion, made available and functional by the Cagliari Port Authority. The center stores, processes and studies the very large number of archaeological finds identified and recovered by the Soprintendenza staff in the underwater investigations underway within the Port of Cagliari and in many other marine and lagoon locations in central southern Sardinia. The visit will allow visitors to observe directly, following all the important stages of conservation treatments: numerous transport amphorae of various ages and origins, ceramics, bronzes, coins, wooden artifacts, bones, seeds, pine cones and more. A broad picture of archaeological materials and objects discovered in our waters, documenting provenance, trade and commerce from prehistoric times to the threshold of the modern age.