
The town of Uta is located in the Campidano region southwest of the Sardinian capital, from which it is about 20 km away; it covers a territory of 134.33 sq. km. and is bordered to the north by the municipality of Villaspeciosa and clockwise by Decimomannu, Assemini, Capoterra and Siliqua.
Uta lies on a fertile plain crossed by two streams (Rio Cixerri and Rio Mannu) that flow towards the Santa Gilla pond, is set at 6 m. above sea level, but there is also a large mountainous area in its district, consisting of Mounts Arcosu (948 m)and Lattias (1086 m.) and partly the peaks of Guttureddu and Gutturu Mannu.

The southwestern part of the territory starting from the Cixerri River includes a series of knolls of an average height of about one hundred meters where are located: the remains of two ancient Christian churches (Santa Maria Magramixi and San Nicola), a Roman temple, all facing the Cixerri, a tomb of giants with thirty Menirs destroyed by mechanical means by the ignorance of men.
A recent frontier, in the direction of Siliqua, is the artificial lake created by the dam on the Cixerri, which, together with the railroad and State Highway 130, closes the town to the north/northwest.

The town is located in the northern part of its territory, and the population reaches over 8,000. Due to past floods and inundations, the oldest part of the town was destroyed, and the urban structure of the town has also undergone several makeovers both in terms of the use of materials and renewed housing types. (Taken from the local Proloco website–for more information

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