
Orani is a municipality in the Province of Nuoro, with a population of 3066 as of November 2008.

It rises in Central Sardinia, included in the geographical scope of the Nuorese region. The territory covers 13,042 hectares, with an altitude ranging from 150 meters above sea level on the Oddini plain, bordering Ottana, Bolotana and Illorai, to 1083 at the summit of Monte Gonare. Numerous biotic and abiotic districts are noted in this context, including the S.I.C. (site of community interest) of Monte Gonare in the mountainous part and the river district of the Cedrino River in the plain.
The town is located less than 20 kilometers from the capital Nuoro and is connected to the S.S.131 D.cn., as well as to State Highway 389 Nuoro – Lanusei, both of which cross its territory for several kilometers, while the built-up area is crossed by State Highway 128. There are several kilometers of the state railroad route.

The economy is characterized by a plurality of activities, ranging from industrial activities, with the presence of mining activities of national importance (talc and feldspar), iron and stone processing, to handicrafts in wrought iron, wood, and velvet processing, with artisans distinguished at the national level; there are, in addition, numerous construction companies, two of which are of regional importance.
There is no shortage of initiatives in food production, with the presence of butcher shops processing local products, confectionery workshops and bakeries.
Commerce is also particularly active, with the presence of supermarkets, warehouses and resales of building materials, electrical appliance stores, and clothing stores.
Public services are ensured by the presence of the Carabinieri Station, Justice of the Peace Offices, the State Comprehensive Institute, and Health Presidia.

The numerous historical and artistic relics in the township make the great artistic and cultural vitality of the inhabitants obvious, while the vast territory sums up all the major natural systems of the mountains, inland hills and plains, rich in forests, rivers and spring waters.

It is a very ancient center, whose history developed from the pre-Nuragic age reaching the Judicial period until the modern age, becoming the seat of marquisate.
There is no shortage of archaeological evidence, with the presence of numerous nuragic sites dating back to different cultures and domos de janas.
The history of the modern period is evidenced by the presence of numerous churches, dating back to the 16th-17th and 17th centuries, as well as several noble houses.
It is well known in the artistic sphere, boasting such names as those of sculptor Costantino Nivola, painter Mario Delitala, and writer Salvatore Niffoi. (From the institutional website)

No Edition present for this municipality
No Monument Found

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