House of Modastinu – Contus de Pedra

“Contus de pedra” is a project promoted by the Proloco Tourism Association, consisting of the materialization of Sinensis folk legends, passed down orally and called “Contus de Forredda,” tales in front of the home hearth.

To preserve the memory, seven bas-reliefs depicting the characters of the legend have been made to date, flanked by a plaque narrating it through verses written in the Sardinian language by Prof. Giampiello Cau of Sini, flanked by translations in Italian and English. The project began in 2009, when the association commissioned local stonemasons to create the first five bas-reliefs, giving them freedom to interpret the story.

Each bas-relief was then laid in the place of hypothetical setting of the story. Figured are the legends of “Sant’Iroxi ‘e Sini,” “Mamma ‘e Funtana,” “Chicca Poddi,” “Bandito Giovanni Peis,” and “Sa Pipera,” to be joined in 2022 by those of “Is Contixeddus” and “Cote e Moventi.” It is an open project, ready to transform into sculpture other Contus de Forredda preserved in the memory of the Sinesi of yesterday and today and the future ones to come.

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