Archaeological Complex of Palattu

This is an ancient settlement located on the edge of the urban center, on St. Paul’s Hill, with megalithic walls from the Republican period, built with blocks in polygonal work, currently visible for a length of about 100 meters and a height of 2.5 meters. The wall had the function of containing the plateau of the hill, where a place of worship to be connected with the site of Gurulis Vetus was located. Stratigraphic investigations have allowed the recovery of materials covering a chronological span between the 6th century B.C. and the first century A.D.

The structure, recently restored and secured, had an uninterrupted use until the post-medieval age, when, with the construction of the Baronial Palace, it served as a foundation for the surrounding wall of the safe house.

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Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

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Bus CTM - Senza Accompagnatore
La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.