Church of St. Mary of the Angels

On the south side of the village stands the recently restored church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, built on the right side of the monastery of the PP Osservanti and officiated by them until the suppression of the same monastery. The floor plan of the church has a single nave with six side niches that accommodate wooden and marble altars.

The trachyte stone slab floor should still be the original one. Its construction is supposed to be contemporary with the convent, which appears to have been founded in 1610 through the interest of Countess Isabella de Ferrera and thanks, above all, to the generous economic contribution of the community. The high altar was rebuilt in 1814.

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Servizi igienici
Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

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Bus CTM - Senza Accompagnatore
La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.