Coat of arms of Baron Manca

Like many other towns on the island, Usini was affected by the various historical vicissitudes that marked Sardinia: Spanish, Genoese and until the advent of the Savoy Kingdom.
Specifically, however, in 1447 Angelo Cano from Sassari became the first baron of Usini.
The jurisdiction of this barony included the villages and territories of Usini, Ittiri, Uri, Ossi, Tissi and Muros.
Then, in 1544, Baron Galzerando Cedrelles ceded this portion of the territory to Giacomo Manca, and from then on, for a period including at least until 1839, the Manca family assumed the administration of the village.
The coat of arms of the Baron of Usini, which later became that of the municipality, is still imprinted on a wall in Alessandro Volta Street.

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