Former Sebastiano Boi Distillery

Close to the parish church stood one of the landmark buildings of Selargius: the former Sebastiano Boi Distillery, built in the early 20th century by the lawyer and politician of the same name. Considered one of the earliest examples of the Campidano wine industry, in 1911 the plant became part of the Vinalcool Limited Company and managed to survive until World War II. Definitively closed in the late 1960s, since 1978 it began to be the subject of various rehabilitation efforts by the City Administration. A reminder today of its primitive use remains the place name and its conspicuous smokestack. An interesting example of renovated and converted industrial archaeology, the present Si ‘e Boi Square is home to a composite cultural center with even an elegant Civic Theater, which, on the second floor foyer, houses a permanent exhibition on the history of the former Distillery, curated by the municipal administration.

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