Nuraghe Cugui

On a hill of about 400 m., stands the nuraghe called Cugui, which, leaning southward on a natural cliff of considerable height and surrounded by striking expanses of forest, dominates a 360-degree aerial landscape in which the town of Arbus stands out.

At the foot of the hill is a perennial spring water source called “sa Mitza ‘e Canau.” Pre-Nuragic settlement traces were found at the site, with cultural remains pertaining to the cultures of St. Cyriac (3400-3200 B.C.), St. Michael of Ozieri (3200-2850 B.C.) and Monte Claro (2400-2100 B.C.).

The nuraghe (classified as a protonuraghe) has an elliptical plan development and consists of two large towers, a smaller central one, and an entrance corridor leading into the courtyard. Nearby are menhirs.

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