Former Serbariu Mine Management – Cinema Factory

Located at the entrance to the mining area, the building, completed in 1937, has a horseshoe plan. On the north side was the Director’s office with a mosaic floor depicting a mine lamp, adjoining it was the Secretariat’s office from which, via a trapdoor, there was access to an open terrace that allowed a view of the staff yard.

Central were the Technical Offices, while on the south side were the Administrative Offices. Here there was direct access to a room where wages were distributed. A staircase provides access to the basement and vault protected by 2 armored doors. The facility remained operational from the opening of the mine until its official closure, which in fact occurred in 1971.

The building currently houses the Cinema Factory project, which is a further step in the preservation, re-functionalization and enhancement of the Great Mine site by the Humane Society.

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