Church of Our Lady of the Rosary

The Church dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, adjacent to the parish churchyard, was rebuilt in the summer of 2004 in the original forms of the ancient little church called “S’Arrattoriu de s’Arrosariu” in Sardinian, which was demolished between October 4 and 5, 1969 due to a crumbling structure. The little church is guarded by the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary of Nuraminis, one of the oldest confraternities dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary in all of Campidano, refounded in 1641. The small sacred building has a rectangular facade that ends in a cornice on the upper side, topped by a small bell gable. In the old building to the side of the bell tower were four three-pronged laces. The ancient furnishings still preserved today are: the holy water stoup, consisting of a massive white marble basin resting on a column with ribbed shaft and Ionic capital with the name of the donor and the date “Antioga Serra 1661” engraved on the edge, which testifies to the presence of the ancient little church since that time; the chiseled silver oil lamp found in the Rosary Chapel of the Parish dated 1772; The Christ in mourning in papier-mâché probably made by sculptor Efisio Antonio Castangia, late 1700s. The small church also houses a valuable 17th-century painting of Our Lady of the Rosary by painter Giuseppe Deris, a 17th-century artist who worked in Cagliari. The painting depicts the Virgin and Child Jesus holding a rosary in the center. Above Our Lady’s head two fluttering angels hold a crown. The lower part of the painting depicts four religious saints kneeling in prayer, while on the right two holy nuns, St. Catherine and St. Rose of Lima, are shown wearing a white habit and a black mantle. In the background of the painting is a landscape and in the distance is a procession, a representation of an ancient procession of the confraternity of the Rosary.

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