Institute of the Blind

The Cagliari Institute for the Blind, founded by Maurizio Falqui, a blind man belonging to a noble family from Cagliari, played an important historical role in the training and education of the blind in Sardinia for nearly a century.
The institution founded as a patronage in 1895, based in the premises of the Ricovero di Mendicità, started an initial course of studies for young blind people.
In 1897 it was transformed into a Moral Entity, acquiring legal capacity under the name “Istituto dei Ciechi di Cagliari “.
In 1902, the Institute purchased from the City of Cagliari the land on which, the present headquarters was built, which, although not completely finished, was inaugurated on April 24, 1904.
The Chapel completed around 1906, in addition to allowing religious services to take place, was used as a hall for concerts and general meetings of the members.
In 2011, the Region of Sardinia, identifying the Institution as a regional reference for people with visual impairments and their families, transformed the Institute into a Public Personal Services Company, naming it the Institute of the Blind of Sardinia. Inside you can visit the lobby, chapel, CDA meeting room, historical teaching materials, and computer room with new technological aids.

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