Cultural and Natural History Museum of Sardinia

Set up in the premises owned by the municipality, located in Piazza Duomo, and managed by the Association; it is a permanent exhibition distributed in three rooms. Minerals from the municipal area and all of Sardinia, a representative herbarium of local flora with indication of the common name, scientific name and name in dialect, and a large collection of insects with the most representative species of the area are collected. New this year are aquariums containing the most representative marine and freshwater species of northern Sardinia. It is possible to admire the vitrines in which an ant farm i is bred for educational purposes and it is also possible to see the live argia made to reproduce in captivity. The Argia (latrodectus tredecimguttatus) is one of the few arachnid species found in Italy whose bite can prove very dangerous or even deadly to humans. A variety of activities take place in the museum: pottery and creative recycling workshops, educational walks and nature excursions by bicycle. Some activities have now become fixtures, such as the Mycological Exhibition, now in its fourth year, the ecological walk and the photo safari. Documentaries, films and occasional exhibitions of artwork by local and national artists are shown inside the museum. Exhibition spaces are often set up in the adjoining courtyard where local artists find visibility.

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