DoSA Museum Center

The DoSA (Documentation and Water Studies) Center is unique in Sardinia and among the few in Europe: the protagonists are water and the river, the source of life. It is housed in a stately 19th-century mansion built by Pietro “Piricu” Mura, a wealthy landowner who was also mayor of Ballao.

The Center examines the biological, ecological, and anthropological aspects of the Flumendosa River and the people who, living with it, originated the “River Culture” made up of millennia-old customs and usages: nassargius, riparian gardens, ferrying people and goods, washing clothes, games, as well as floods and mourning.

The museum displays river fishing gear and illustrates methods of use. The recent history of the Flumendosa is documented with writings, photographs and films, including those that predate the construction of the dams. The display is virtual and interactive represents river fauna and flora in dioramas intended for educational purposes.

The matrix of DoSA is far back in time, and Funtana Coberta, the Nuragic Temple dedicated to the Water Cult, has been pointing us to the real and symbolic power of water for more than 3,000 years.

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