Original core “Medau Is Cabiddus (Medadeddu)” and Murales “Don Giovanni Diaz”

A kilometer from Carbonia, Medadeddu, which arose about 150 years ago along the route from Serbariu to Perdaxius, retains an identity quite distinct from its founding town. Originally the village was named “Is Cabiddus,” because it was the Cabiddu family who built the original nucleus.

The economy was based on agro-pastoral activity, traces of which remain evident both in the memory and in the homes of the elderly, who still preserve numerous working and household tools typical of the land and agrarian structure that characterized the village until the first decades of the 20th century.

In the central Piazza Santa Rita, a mural, created by renowned artists Ielmo Cara and Stefano Masili through a personal painting technique, expresses the union between the village and the city, through the eyes of the late Don Giovanni Diaz, who precisely in Medadeddu, in the 1990s, set up a reception center for the “last” of the city, giving them a bed and a hot meal.

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