Pischeredda Nature Oasis

The territory of Nurachi extends for a large part into the Sinis Peninsula, up to the limits of the Cabras Pond. This is a particularly important territory from a naturalistic point of view, marked by the presence of numerous ponds, lagoons and marshes that create a unique naturalistic ecosystem, rich in native vegetation and populated by extremely interesting bird species. The landscape is saturated with warm colors, from yellow to green to red to purple, typical of wetlands. In fact, the Sinis contains the most extensive wetlands in Europe.

In recent decades, the municipality, also in cooperation with neighboring municipalities and various other agencies and nature associations, has embarked on a course of protecting and enhancing its wetlands. A Wetland Park has been created with the establishment of nature trails and bird watching points.

The territory of Nurachi is a site of naturalistic interest that is internationally recognized as a wetland deserving protection and, therefore, included in both the list of Wetlands of International Interest according to the Ramsar Convention and the Special Protection Areas according to Directive 79/409/EEC (Birds Directive). Of particular note is the Pischeredda Nature Oasis, with its recently restored Spanish watchtower of the same name, which stands guard over the Cabras Pond.

In this environment, the vegetation takes on different characteristics as you move away from the water. The following are recognizable: the Scirpeto; the Fragmiteto or Canneto, often consisting only of the marsh reed (Phragmites communis) spread along the banks where water stagnates for a long time; the Limonieto, characterized by the Statici that settle on sandy or clay substrates subject to prolonged drying out; and finally the Giuncheto, dominated by Juncus maritimus and a few other species such as the Juncus, Salicornia and Cressa.

Those who visit the Oasis can easily observe colonies of pink flamingos, “sa genti arrubia,” as they are called in these parts, but it is also possible to spot birds such as Black-winged Stilts, Avocets, Partridges, Golden Plovers, Combatants, Roseate Gulls, Sea Swallows, Woodcocks, Common Terns, Little Terns and Little Blackbirds, and Little Bitterns. All animals that take advantage of the intricate vegetation to protect themselves from predators such as the Marsh Harrier.

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