Roman source Is Solus

The colonization of the island of Sant’Antioco was favored by the presence of numerous water springs that flowed copiously in the waterfront facing the lagoon. The Romans, with the construction of the city of Sulci, carried out all the works necessary for the urbanization of the city. Of particular importance among these was the channelization of spring water with the construction of the Roman fountain (is solus) in today’s Piazza Italia. Probably the place name is solus is the plural de su solu, which indicated the source. Since ancient times and up to the present day, the Roman fountain has been the only form of water supply for the population. In the early 1900s the Municipal Administration commissioned Engineer Dionigi Scano to carry out a study in order to be able to preserve the monument. The work, which radically altered the ancient Roman artifact, was completed in 1911.

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