Church of St. Gregory the Great

It is the parish church of Bauladu and represents the artistic pinnacle of Bauladu architecture. Inside, the different styles that have characterized the monument since its foundation in the Judicial Age
can be identified. The original 13th-century structure is observed in the simple single-nave hall. The portal is surmounted by a limestone relief representing the Virgin and Child between two angels. The work, of significant artistic interest, in the late 16th-century Catalan-Gothic style, has over time inspired the collective imagination that has attributed the decoration to the legendary Damas Cugurras, medieval women from Santa Barbara of Turre. Inside, of particular importance is the statue of Our Lady of the Snow: made of polychrome wood, it is probably of the Spanish school dating back to the 16th century. Currently the church square, dedicated to the hero of the Sardinian revolution Giovanni Maria Angioy, is undergoing redevelopment and enhancement work.

Est sa crèsia parrochiale de Bauladu e rapresentat su mègius de s’architetura de sa bidda. A intro si reconnoschent sas diferentes modas chi ant caraterizadu su monumentu de sa fundatzione sua in Edade

S’istrutura de su dughentos est fraigada in dd’una navada ebbia. Sa ghenna est iscumpassada dae una figura in carchina de sa Vèrgine cun su Pipiu intre duos ànghelos. S’òpera, in istile gòticu-catalanu,
de sa fine de su Chimbighentos, at ispiradu in su tempus s’immaginàriu de is bauladesos chi ant atribuidu su traballu a sas Damas Cugurras, fèminas bènnidas de Santa Barbara de Turre in s’Època de
Mesu. A intro de sa crèsia, de importu mannu est s’istàtua de sa Madonna de sa Nie: realizada in linna cun vàrios colores, est cun probabilidade de iscola ispagnola (XVI sèculu).

In custas dies, in sa pratza ‘e crèsia, dedicada a s’eroe de sa sarda rivolutzione Giuanni Maria Angioy, bi sunt traballos pro megiorare e avalorare su logu.

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