
A center located in the heart of Sulcis, Santadi offers those who visit it a set of characteristics and peculiarities that are difficult to find all together in a single town. There are about 3,500 inhabitants, spread over a large flat area surrounded by gradually rougher and more rugged areas. The settlement arose in medieval times, but faced a period of severe depopulation, until in the eighteenth century, it had a chance to rise again as an agricultural nucleus. Even today, Santadi bases its economy on agriculture, strong with a winemaking tradition that has taken it to the top of the sector both in Sardinia and in the rest of Italy and the world. In addition, another sector of considerable importance is the dairy industry.
For those who love green and peaceful woods, Santadi has an extraordinary forest heritage. In fact, just a few kilometers from the town center is the beautiful forest by Pantaleo that includes centuries-old trees, oaks, phillyrea, cork oaks but especially important as unique in Europe, the ilex grove. The most important event held in Santadi is the Mauritanian Wedding, which has been retracing the celebration of the religious rite every year since 1968, retracing step by step traditions, music, folklore, food and wine etc. etc.
In late November – early December Santadi organizes the event Bread e oil at crusher. It is an event that he is curating considerably. It is primarily intended, with various events, to present in their best guise the oil and bread, products of which Santadi is proud for their goodness and genuineness and for the respect for the traditions with which their processing takes place.
Very important archaeological presences such as Pani Loriga, a Punic Phoenician site, and the Tomb of the Giants, along with others not yet accessible to the public.

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