
Stintino has a precise founding date: August 14, 1885; the origin of the village is due to the Italian government’s decision to establish the maritime quarantine health station and an agricultural penal colony on Asinara Island. The island of Asinara was at that time inhabited by families of Sardinian shepherds and fishermen, some of Ligurian origin, who were forcibly removed from the island: 45 of these families, after a series of negotiations with the government, decided to found a new settlement in a long strip of land characterized by two deep inlets known as ”Isthintini” not far from the Tonnara Saline establishment, at which they found hospitality and employment while waiting for the first houses to be built. Thus was born Stintino, built according to a precise land-use plan that neatly divided the town into a narrow peninsula between the two arms of the sea, Porto Minori and Porto Mannu, with its small houses reminiscent at first glance of those in Cala d’Oliva in Asinara. The main economic source of the village was until the early 1970s the Tonnara Saline, whose history of the eponymous factory, which remained active until 1964, and of the tuna fishermen who fished tuna until 1973, is narrated today inside the MUT-Museum of the Tonnara. Stintino is now a renowned tourist resort, known mainly for the La Pelosa Beach, which nevertheless maintains a strong seafaring identity thanks in part to the Cooperativa Pescatori di Stintino, the oldest in Italy in the fishing industry, which was honored in 2019 by President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, and the Latin Sail Regatta whose fortieth anniversary falls this year.

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