Alghero-Bosa Diocesan Library

The Diocesan Library of Bosa, founded around 1700, mainly collects the bibliographical patrimony that belonged to the Jesuit College of Bosa (1684), the Tridentine Seminary (1797), the bishops (Msgr. Spanedda, Msgr. Vinati, Msgr. Pes) and religious of the diocese. Over time, the book collections of distinguished private individuals (to name a few: the Delitala family, Poddighe) have also flowed in, helping to enrich the library’s collection. Since 1996, the diocese has made this substantial bibliographic heritage available to the community. A collection quantifiable at approximately 24,000 volumes consisting of an ancient collection of considerable interest that starts with manuscripts, passes through cinquecentine, volumes of the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s up to the present day. The library also holds a very important legal, educational and theological collection because of its breadth. The oldest Latin-language Bible is from 1574 printed in Venice: “Biblia, ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, in quibus ea quae subsequens praefatio indicat …”

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