Ancient Shrine of Grace

The ancient church stands in the heart of the historic district of Séuna and has the stylistic features typical of 17th-century Sardinian eclecticism. It was built of irregularly pebbled stone and has a very simple structural scheme: an elongated room covered by a barrel vault, concluded by a square-plan presbytery.

The simple facade, clamped by two buttresses, is flanked on the right by a low bell gable, consists of a portal, surmounted by an architraved tympanum with a central aedicule, supported by columns set on high pedestals.

The shrine preserves a pictorial cycle inside dating back to the 1700s. The paintings, executed with colored earths on plaster and fresh lime whitewash, depict the figures of the Twelve Apostles, prophets and cartouches with passages from the sacred scriptures and the history of the building of the sanctuary.

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Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

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