Banco di Sardegna Palace

As early as 1911, the Cassa Provinciale di Credito Agrario of Sassari decided to set aside an annual amount to enable the building of a major headquarters. Later the Sassari Chamber of Commerce joined the initiative. In 1924 the municipality approved the project, signed by engineer Bruno Capelli, author, in postwar Sassari, of important works such as the Palazzo delle Poste and the Politeama “Verdi “, rebuilt after a terrible fire. In August of the same year, work was set in motion, entrusted to the firm of Gerolamo Piu from Sassari. About twenty companies, almost all from Sassari, had contributed to the construction of the work, which was completed in 1927. The covered area was 820 square meters. The Palace had five floors, of which the lower two overlooked the Fosso della Noce, while the upper three dominated Umberto I Avenue. The style chosen by the engineer Cipelli, on a setting of Renaissance reminiscences (the play of the three projecting bodies, the trachyte ashlar on the ground floor), gave the Palace the same authoritative air that had been given, forty years earlier, to the nearby Palace of the Province. Until 1980 the upper floor was occupied by the Chamber of Commerce; from that year on the Palace became the headquarters of the Bank of Sardinia. The Hall of the Palace housed the bank counter of which the large safe has been retained. Today the hall, restored and named after Sassari economist Stefano Siglienti, hosts meetings, conferences, exhibitions and concerts.

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