Castle portal/Charles Emmanuel Fort/prison

The Fort, originally the portal of the Castle, long mistakenly considered the home of the Duke of St. Peter, Don Genovese Cerveillon, is located in the upper part of the village, at the end of Via Genova. It dates back to 1738 and was built within a few months to shelter men and weapons for the defense of the community. A solid construction, it consists of two floors, 7 rooms and an inner courtyard. It was the first masonry building to be built, surrounded by wooden dwellings, destroyed by fire in 1739. It had various uses: troop quarters, prison, private dwelling and finally, today, Civic Museum. Near the building is an ancient cistern, topped by a square-plan aedicule with side arches supporting a round dome. It is not to be confused with the King’s Cistern, located a short distance away but not visible because it is below a house.

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