Cathedral of San Pantaleo

The imposing medieval church was dedicated to San Pantaleo and is one of the most important monuments of Romanesque-Pisan art in Sardinia.
It was built between the 12th and 12th centuries and was, as shown by an inscription in the apse, inaugurated on December 8, 1289, in the presence of Judge Mariano II of Arborea.
It is probably a remake since, at that time, San Pantaleo, or Dolia ancient name of the village, housed the Curator and was the seat of the bishopric “De Olia.”
While in 1289 the temple was completed, in the following years the work mainly concerned the embellishment of the Cathedral with frescoes in the apse area, with the large painting of the Arbor Vitae of the 14th-century school and the retable of San Pantaleo, dating from the late 15th century, which was attributed to a Spanish artist of the Majorcan school.

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