Church of Saints Cosmas Damian

Built on an ancient road that led from Sinnai to Maracalagonis, the small church dedicated to Saints Cosmas and Damian is now included within the modern town. The antiquity of the building is perhaps attested by a document of the Vittorini monks in which the ownership, among others, of a domestia called “di San Damiano” is documented in the countryside of Sinnai. A direct mention of the building is instead in another writing, dated 1730, which testifies how at the time it was in poor condition: it even seems that the roof was in danger of collapsing with the danger of causing irreparable damage to the two ancient statues of the Saints that were transferred to the chapel of Sant’Antioco at the parish church of Santa Barbara. In 1947 Canon Eugenio Pusceddu considered that the state of preservation of the little church was now irreparably compromised and therefore decided to have what remained of it demolished and to proceed with a total reconstruction which, thanks to the contribution of all the people of Sinna, was completed in 1951. In 2008 a new restoration was carried out by the Municipal Administration, and during the repaving work it was noted that the base walls of the new church had been set on a stone plinth, possibly pertaining to one of the ancient phases of construction.

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