Church of St. Anthony with annexed Hospice

The church of St. Anthony, traceable to the second half of the 12th century, stood outside the walls, along the route of the ancient road from Como.
To the 14th century, in the Gothic period, date the apse, portal and rose window on the facade.
Few fragments of the original frescoes (late 13th-early 15th cent.) remain inside.

Attached to the church was a Hospitale, a place with caring functions for pilgrims and the sick, the remains of which, with a courtyard structure (a complex now subdivided into private dwellings), are leaning against the southern side.
Initially run by Augustinian nuns and passed in the 15th century to the canons of St. Anthony of Vienne, of French origin, in the 17th century it became a dependency of the monastery of St. Mary and the bones of the nuns were moved there, as evidenced by a plaque preserved in the church (1689).

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