Church of St. Bacchisio

About six kilometers from the town is the small country church dedicated to the veneration of the martyr Bacchisio.
The construction of the sacred building would seem to be placed in the medieval period because the cult seems to have been widespread in Sardinia during Byzantine rule.
Confirming this hypothesis, historical sources testify to the location of the church near the Salto di Ultana, dependent on medieval Telti, which had its own settlement near the sacred building.
A missal was found in the chancel with the date 1775 imprinted on it; however, in the parish archives of Calangianus, 1613-1634, a bequest towards this church is noted, so it could be assumed that the construction is from an earlier period.
A restoration in 1889 is known, thanks to which the perimeter walls were elevated; arches were then made and the small choir added.
In the center of the church were two crypts, a large one for the burial of adults, and a small one for burying unbaptized children.
Further restoration work was carried out in 1936 and 1972.

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