Citrus Trail

Along Giardini Street the characteristic Muraverese citrus groves can be visited.
Witnesses of a long agricultural tradition, within them citrus growers devote themselves to the care of plantations that produce various types of citrus.
The origins of this crop in the Sarrabus area date back, in all probability, to Spanish rule.
Citrus production in the Sarrabus in intensive form began to develop from the 1960s.
The structuring of citrus grove plantings took place as early as 1928 when the ancient cultivars of common blond and vanilla were placed side by side with new cultivars of navel citrus imported from California by the muraverese Maria Nina Cucca.
The resulting variety, called, perhaps improperly, Washington navel and accounting for 80 percent of production, is actually a diverse population consisting of a mix of naturally selected cultivars and varieties through decades of grafting and pollination, representing an area-specific biodiversity.

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