City Library (Former Putzu House)

The building constitutes an interesting example of the civil architecture of the Campidano di Cagliari that belonged to the Putzu family, well-known building contractors of the first half of the 19th century.
Although no document has been found regarding the date of its construction, the complex appears to consist of a series of buildings that make up an urban settlement system, characterized by different uses and social utility of the complex itself that have been maintained for almost the entire 20th century. Owned by the Municipal Administration, which acquired it in 2003 from the heirs Annunziata and Igino, it has been the subject of a major recovery project aimed at the creation of a multipurpose center, now home to the Municipal Library and the Làdiris Library Center. Inside is a permanent graphic and photographic exhibition tracing the history of the building and its transformation from private home to municipal library.

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