Civic Theater “Gavì Ballero”

By virtue of the ferment of liberal ideas, in the early 19th century, Alghero benefited from an early theater, called the Amatori, located at the old Jesuit college. Fifty years later, calls for bids were being published to erect the new Civic Theater in Vittorio Emanuele Square, in a municipally owned area called Calasanz. Work began in February 1858, designed by architect Franco Poggi, and was completed in November 1862, which was followed by the inauguration. The building, unique in Sardinia for its entirely wooden supporting structure, has recently undergone conservative restoration, during the course of which archaeological investigations were carried out that have expanded knowledge about this urban sector. The structure, in fact, is planted on the area of the ancient carra, site of the grain market in the Middle Ages. Traces of this function are the remains of three granary silos, dug into the rocky bank on which the theater was built, and highlighted in the course of research.

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