Built in 1902, it was completed in a few months with contributions from the population. On August 10, 1903, it was inaugurated by Bishop Pietro Balestra. Valeriano Spiga, first president of the feast, had the beautiful chariot built with which, on the evening of August 9, the Simulacrum of the Saint was transported, purchased in 1850, when the feast was still held in the village of Pauli. In the years 1932-33, cisterns were built near the small church to collect drinking water and several seedlings were planted. In 1973 the now-damaged little church was restored with funds from the San Lorenzo Committee. The building has a rectangular floor plan, and inside there is a nave with a semicircular apse. It now belongs to Cagliari territory while historically it was located in Monserratino territory. The church is managed by the St. Lawrence Committee. The church is dedicated to the martyr killed on August 10 in the year 258 AD, and was consecrated in 1903.