Country church of San Sisinnio, House of the Mayor and Park of the thousand-year-old olive trees

The church of San Sisinnio, located on a rise above the Leni stream a few kilometers from the village, conveniently reached by car following the tourist signs, represents the largest country church in Sardinia, probably built on an ancient plant.
The church is named after the Saint Sisinnio of Leni (protector of children and opponent of superstitions and “cogas”), who lived, according to tradition, in the now vanished village of Leni.
As early as 1631 he was described as ancient in the parchment contained in the silver reliquary carried in procession during the feast held starting on the first Friday in August.
Its large size, side chapels and external loggia on three sides set it apart from most rural churches in Sardinia.
The church is set within a park of centuries-old wild olive trees, the most important aggregation of large wild olive trees in Sardinia, in which some specimens reach 13 meters in height and a stem circumference of more than 5 meters.
An exhibition with historical photos of “Sa festa manna” will be set up inside the Mayor’s House, and the works carried out by the children of the Circolo Didattico “G.Dessì” at the “Sisinnio di Leni” competition will be displayed.

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Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

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La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.