Dog Monument

“I love men regardless of color and borders. I say thank you to those who give me a piece of bread. I do not hate, I forgive and I am only a dog.” Orestes Gallina, Manghese poet of the last century. In this sentence the poet wants to signify a very clear message: the dog is always faithful, loyal, does not hate, does not ostracize, forgives–a message that could sound relevant to today’s man as well. There are two monuments that the Manghese community has dedicated to the dog in the past: a plaque and a sculpture by Canellian artist Paolo Spinoglio that stands in the castle garden. And in the past, a festival in June was also dedicated to Tabui: the dog that is not purebred, the dog that does not have a sure genealogy. Tabui means: notebook useful Italian bastards.

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