Domus de Janas Necropolis of Is Aruttas

The five
domus de janas
were excavated in the granite bench, which outcrops on the southeastern slope of the hill of
Is Aruttas
, probably taking advantage of natural openings. They constitute a pre-Nuragic hut agglomeration, the remains of which begin to emerge from the slope immediately below the summit of the main hill of the Mt. Olladiri hill relief, and increase as one descends toward the plateau. All the domus Have an antechamber and a cell, excluding tomb no. 4 that seems to have had two cells or a single cell divided into two parts. The hatches are of quadrangular or trapezoidal type, with or without a fold. Over the millennia the
were despoiled of the objects they contained and, over time, changed their function (shelter for animals, improvised sheepfolds, shelter for shepherds).

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