Eleonora D’Arborea Gymnastics Society

Cagliari has an over 100-year history of sports, carried on by associations that are still an important aggregative hub for its citizens.

One of the oldest associations is the A.S.D. Eleonora d’Arborea, founded in 1900 by the leaders of a marching band that was already an active participant in the city’s major public events. The initial headquarters that was chosen for the sports club was located on Santa Croce Street in the historic district of Castello. This was followed by various moves, and in the 1950s the society purchased the land on which the present headquarters stands, located in vico Tuveri I. The first sports practiced were gymnastics, shooting and Greco-Roman wrestling, to which were later added swimming, boxing, cycling, running and weightlifting. So many champions, from regional to international level with even some Olympic participation, have characterized the history of A.S.D. Eleonora d’Arborea. Its trophy room holds awards that tell more than 100 years of Italian sports history; part of the trophies originally stored in the room were donated during World War II to the state as a patriotic gesture of participation in the nation’s war effort.

We invite you to discover this great little museum that celebrates sports and where generations of Cagliaritan athletes have passed.

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Accesibilità al Monumento
Accessibilità con accompagnatore
Disponibilità di parcheggio
Servizi igienici
Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

Legenda Accessibilità Mezzi

BUS CTM - Accompagnatore
La presenza dell'adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all'uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, solo con l'aiuto dell'accompagnatore.
Bus CTM - Senza Accompagnatore
La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.