Ferruccio Barreca Archaeological Museum

The new display of the MAB – Ferruccio Barreca Archaeological Museum of Sant’Antioco – shows a wide selection of materials found during the various excavation campaigns held on our island and pertaining to a period ranging from the first Neolithic settlements (4th millennium B.C.) to the late stages of Romanization. The first room of the museum is devoted to finds from the settlement or related to the activities of domestic and daily life of man: the tour begins with the display of the numerous materials used in the Recent Neolithic (Ozieri culture) and Eneolithic periods; the later phases of the Nuragic culture, on the other hand, have a minimal presentation, given the scarcity of archaeological investigations in this field in the entire Sulcitan territory. The exhibition continues with evidence of the oldest Phoenician center so far found in Sardinia, to be identified precisely in Sulky (ancient Sant’Antioco) founded at the beginning of the 8th century BC. B.C.: the objects tell us about the daily life of the local inhabitants, eating habits, places of worship, craft activities and trade contacts from the 8th century up to the Roman imperial age, in the 2nd century A.D. The Punic phase is extensively documented by grave goods from the large underground necropolis on the Is Pirixeddus hill. Numerous display cases house a rich sampling of objects found in the Punic chamber tombs excavated in the tufa: ceramics, silver, gold and glass jewelry. Sulky, in the 3rd cent. bce. B.C., became part of Rome’s domain under the name of Sulci; this phase is documented by grave goods composed mainly of everyday pottery. In conclusion, a section of the exhibition is devoted to the tophet, for the illustration of which a corner has been reconstructed in which on artificial planes of earth, sand and stones have been placed a part of the urns, which contained the ashes of children and animals, and stelae depicting symbolic divine, anthropomorphic or animal representations to be attributed to the rituals that took place in that area.

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