Grutti ‘e Acqua Nuragic Complex

At Grutti ‘e Acqua, an imposing nuragic complex perched on high ground overlooking the wide and fertile plain of Canai, the remains of the main nuraghe complex in the area consisting of a keep and a four-lobed bastion are visible today. The collapsed huts are found associated with a system of cisterns for collecting rainwater, together with an impressive artificial reservoir known as the “LAGHETTO NURAGICO.” Just downstream is the ancient spring vein, enclosed in a well temple where sacred rites were celebrated on special occasions, probably also in association with the large reservoir equipped with a possibly stepped perimeter. The village is surrounded by lush vegetation where all species belonging to the Mediterranean maquis are present. Not far away, towards the locality called Su niu ‘e su crobu it is possible to admire one of the tombs of the giants present on the island of Sant’Antioco. This one still preserves intact the planimetric development, bearing the classic taurine protome layout, typical of the Nuragic culture.

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