The first Association, formed by Sailors who had “served without blemish in the Royal Navy,” was founded in Turin in 1859 as a Mutual Aid Society.
Following this, in 1911 the Unione Marinara Italiana (U.M.I.) was founded in Milan, which by Royal Decree in 1934, changed to “Associazione d’Arma Gruppi Marinai d’Italia” and finally, by Presidential Decree March 23, 1954, assumed its present name “Associazione Nazionale Marinai d’Italia,” (A.N.M.I.).
In Cagliari, the Association has been active since July 3, 1957, with the founding of the Cagliari A.N.M.I. Group dedicated to T.V. Gold Medalist Giovanni Garau.
Today the Association is composed of Full Members, coming from service in the Navy, and Aggregate Members who, although not having done military service, wish to be part of our association.
The Association is apolitical, non-profit, and among its purposes is to keep alive the cult of the Fatherland and the sense of honor, to maintain high the spirit of maritime traditions, and to promote initiatives aimed at spreading and consolidating the common values of maritime culture and traditions, or otherwise related to the sea, the marine environment, maritime activities and their dissemination among young people.
Various types of exhibits related to the Navy can be seen in the Venue: historical and current uniforms, artifacts recovered from sunken ships, Crests of various naval units, paintings and prints, and a model ship exhibition, which traces the history of seafaring from the earliest Nuragic ships to modern models of sailing ships.