Karst cave – Cave of flowers

The Cave of Flowers, whose name derives from the richness and variety of concretions that carpet its environments, is located on the hydrographic right of the Riu Cannas, along the road leading to the hamlet of Sirri about a kilometer beyond the hamlet of Cannas di Sopra and is reached by climbing briefly along a small path that leads to its 3 entrances (2 artificial).

More than fifty caves known today are concentrated in the Cannas Valley area for a total hypogeal development of about 4km. Grotta dei Fiori is the largest, explored and topographically surveyed by the Speleological Research Group “E.A. Martel” of Carbonia for a total spatial development of 800m and a drop of -45m. The hypogean system is developed in the Cambrian dolomites and limestones with sub-horizontal trend and dendritic-type geometry with environments developed on several levels. The route is divided between vast environments connected by conduits, generally large and still richly concretional despite the damage caused by the illegal quarrying activity carried out in the 1960s and numerous inscriptions and traces left over the years by occasional as clumsy visitors.

The cavity was certainly frequented in the initial part since the Neolithic period, as evidenced by traces of burial use in the Early Bronze Age Bonnannaro Culture (1,800-1,600 B.C.), and is also of considerable importance for the numerous animal species that reside there, including the blind ant troglobia Hypoponera sulcitana and the large colony of bats that use its environments as nurseries in the summer.

In different parts of the cave, there are present and observable in situ fills with ossiferous breccias with important paleontological finds to vertebrates of the late Pleistocene with predominance of micromammals, including Prolagus sardus and Tyrrhenicola henseli, and less frequent macromammals, well represented by the canid Cynotherium sardus, and birds with important osteological remains of Gypaetus barbatus and Ciconia nigra, a species found so far in Sardinia only in the Flower Cave.

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Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

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