MAGMMA at the Bishop’s Palace Museum of Mediterranean Graphic Arts Marchionni

MAGMMA is a project selected in the Italian Accenture Foundation’s national competition; aiming to promote and popularize graphic art. It is an own project of the Foundation of Sardinia, Patronage of the Presidency of the Region of Sardinia, the Municipality of Villacidro and the City of Urbino Partnership: UNIMED (The Union of Mediterranean Universities); Lazzaro Archive of Milan; Artesanterasmo of Milan; the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino; the Raphael Academy of Urbino; Urbino Art and Urbino Engravers.

The museum is divided into four sections: (a) Urbino School (with top Urbino institutions) Dino Marchionni collection; (b) the great Italian draftsmen of the 20th century; (c) the great schools of the Mediterranean; (d) contemporary artists.

At this time, the museum is hosting the exhibition “100 of These Days,” dedicated to the Giro d’Italia. The works that the Marchionni Prize winners were asked to create to celebrate the sporting event of the year will be on display: 16 works of the highest quality, created using a variety of techniques, from graphics to painting.

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