Melis House

In the urban context of Capoterra’s “historic center,” which the chaotic building renovation of the last thirty years has now almost completely deprived of its original physiognomy as a Campidanese agricultural center, at the crossroads between the two main thoroughfares of Via Cagliari and Corso Gramsci stands out, for its architectural dignity and state of preservation, the beautiful manor house erected in 1920 by the knight Giuseppe Melis.
Donated by heir Elio Melis to the Municipality of Capoterra and carefully restored, it now constitutes the representative seat of the Administration.
Designed as the home of an intelligent and dynamic agricultural entrepreneur, around a large inner courtyard the Casa Melis includes a residential wing divided into two floors and the vast covered spaces once used as sheds, stables and warehouses.
In keeping with the Belle époque taste, albeit received locally with some delay and objective rigidity of expression, it is characterized by an exuberant Art Nouveau decoration profuse in the terracotta and cement architectural sculptures on the facade, in the shapes and carvings of doors and windows, in the colored cement floors, in the tempera murals decorating the ceilings and in the interior furnishings themselves, most of which are still preserved.
By running this elegant dwelling for himself, Giuseppe Melis undoubtedly also intended to contribute to the development and decorum of his town, which, moreover, he took personal charge of during the years when he was placed in charge of the municipality as mayor (1929-1937), building the square adjacent to the parish church, having the streets paved and lit, and being a promoter of numerous other public works.

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