Monument to the Fallen

The monument, incorporated into the bell tower of the church of St. Francis, was built in 1932 following the collapse of the pre-existing facade and bell tower, which were presumably destroyed by lightning or a tornado, with the participation of the municipality, which obtained its dedication to the Fallen of the “Great War.” The work was executed by Ithyrian master masons Andrea Solinas, Luigi Cau, Giovanni Deriu and brothers Diego and Battista Cau; stonemasons were Antonio Casiddu, Antonio Francesco Foddai, Giuseppe Farris, Giommaria Cau and Antonio Tavera; the iron gate, placed to protect the chapel dedicated to the fallen, was instead forged by Diego Mele with his son Felice and Giuseppe Carta. On the other hand, there is no record of the names of the painters who carried out the chapel’s interior decorations.

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