The Zoological Collections of the University of Cagliari have a history at least 200 years old. In fact, some of the exhibits date back to the “Cabinet of Natural History” built in the late 18th century, donated to the University of Cagliari in 1806.
The collection includes several thousand specimens of considerable value and historical value, but above all of great scientific and educational interest. The museum displays all major types of animals, vertebrates and invertebrates, from different continents and geographical regions, including many exotic species, such as the Australian koala, anteater, monkey and sloth. In particolare sono presenti gli animali della fauna italiana e sarda, i più conosciuti e comuni accanto alle specie esotiche e rare. Sardinian fauna is represented by a very rich collection with several species endemic to the island. The ornithological collection is notable for its organic and comprehensive nature, including all present and extinct birds of prey of the Sardinian fauna, as well as many birds of the national fauna and some exotic species such as the American migratory dove, of which there are only seven other stuffed specimens in the world.
The scientific validity and educational value of the collection make it an exceptionally rich asset for the city.